This is very discouraging for me personally, as I have done a lot of planning to attend this event. The event has been postponed until May 13-15th 2011. Read the official statement below:
There have been a lot of rumors going around since our first location change and we have done our best to try and hold things together on our end but have had our backs against the wall. You see, what you don?t know is that a certain so-called ?talent agent? that we have refused to work with since day one has been trying to sabotage the show while at the same time telling people he was working with us all along. You all know who he is and for legal reasons right now we can?t call him out by name.
This individual was responsible for us losing our first location and as we learned today has tried to sabotage our current location. We didn?t have the proof it was him until this most recent attempt where he wasn?t even smart enough to call from a blocked number.
In addition to this he has posted under fake names on our message board and several other boards starting rumors about various things from guests not actually being booked to locations never being locked down etc.
He has also called celebrities directly telling them these rumors and casting a lot of doubt among them and even causing some to flat out cancel for fear that the show wasn?t for real.
He has made death threats to one celebrity who has contacted the authorities and has a warrant issued for his arrest. He made death threats and has continued to harass via phone, text & e-mail several board members here and another real talent agent. All of which has been documented and we will post that information here for all to see once certain legal issues have been met. This individual won?t be a problem for us much longer as the law will be dealing with him shortly.
Sadly he has been successful at temporarily sabotaging this event for the time being. As much as it pains us to do, we have no choice but to postpone the show to Friday, May 13th-Sunday, May 15th 2011.
We know several of you have booked flights, got time off of work etc. and we are very sorry for the personal and financial inconvenience. We are going to look into some sort of compensation for those who have already booked flights and will incur a fee to change your flight.
This all may seem like one big excuse but it?s all very real and very serious. This individual seems to think he is above the law and untouchable but he is about to find out the hard way that isn?t the case.
Finally, all events will now be held at The Crowne Plaza. The code for booking your rooms is FRT and you will have to call and reconfirm your reservations. The room rate and block stays the same. They have been nothing but professional and courteous throughout this entire debacle, especially David Ramcharan, so PLEASE do not give them a hard time….they have made this arduous process go a lot smoother and made things happen much quicker than could be expected of anyone. We look forward to a long relationship with the staff at the Crowne Plaza!
All the best,
Texas Fear Fest Staff